Partner with Federated National Land on your next project to ensure a competitive advantage and secure top-tier, reliable service from our diverse team of dedicated professionals.
Your affordable and market rate housing project proposals benefit from our MWBE certification because City and State agencies include MWBE compliance requirements as part of their procurement standards. We participate in Requests for Proposals with a range of partners on numerous projects and programs, including affordable housing developments, market rate transactions, community land trusts, JOE-NYC, Air Rights, and Third Party Transfers.
FNL is also available to work with you on offering Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs for attorneys who wish to learn more about title insurance and other aspects of residential or commercial transactions Our staff members are also available to share best practices and current information at your conference or training session. Learn more about our services and projects.
We look forward to serving as your trusted title insurance partner and providing expertise and personalized attention to help guarantee your next project’s success.
For more information about partnering with FNL, please contact us at or 212-796-4280.