Federated National Land provides title insurance and other services for affordable housing developments. We specialize in efficiently clearing title and preparing title policies for the complex layers of financing and ownership that often accompany these projects.
We work diligently with you to address the unique aspects of your deal. You will appreciate our deep knowledge, attention to detail, and skill in sorting out complicated issues. We are familiar with numerous affordable housing programs and the staff at federal, state, and local agencies, along with banks and developers, who work on these transactions. We focus on your needs, often working around the clock to reach the final goal of a smooth, issue-free closing.
The result? We’ve successfully navigated title issues for a range of affordable developments, including: supportive housing, senior housing, Low Income Housing Tax Credit and resyndication deals, and projects made possible by New Market Tax Credits and Historic Tax Credits.
Our work does not stop at closing. We provide post-closing services and continue spending time working for and with you to ensure that projects get off to a successful start.
Click here to learn more about our involvement in recent affordable housing developments.

Compass Residences: 1300+ affordable units, retail and landscaped public spaces.